The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted at the UN Biodiversity Conference, COP15, in Montreal in 2022.
The GBF provides a strategic vision and a global roadmap för the conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystems until 2030 and long-term goals for 2050.
The vision for 2050 has four main goals:
Goal A: Increasing the integrity and resilience of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity
Goal B: Biodiversity is sustainably used and managed
Goal C: Utilisation of genetic resources and digital sequence information
Goal D: Adequate means of implementation (incl. financial resources and capacity-building)
The short term mission of the GBF for 2030 defines 23 targets,
set for reducing threats to biodiversity, for the sustainable use
of biodiversity and benefit sharing, and tools and solutions for implementation.