The IUCN is a membership association of both governmental and non-profit organisations
With over 1 400 member organizations and some 15 000 experts, IUCN is the global authority on the state of nature and the actions needed to protect it.
IUCN provides data, assessments and analysis, reliable standards, neutral meeting forums and capacity-building resources.
The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is a tool for assessing the conservation status of ecosystems. It is based on scientific criteria to perform evidence-based analyses of the risk of ecosystem collapse, including changes in geographical distribution and degradation of key ecosystem elements.
The Red List of Ecosystems has many uses, including assessing and highlighting risks to ecosystems, guiding national and international conservation strategies, prioritizing and monitoring restoration actions, informing land use planning, informing laws and regulations, making recommendations on how to manage industries, raising public awareness, or reporting on multilateral agreements.